STM32  MPU6050 communication using I2C

STM32 MPU6050 communication using I2C

7 minute read

This article explains how to communicate with a widely used Internal Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor MPU6050 using STM32 MCU. We will use STM32CubeMx along with STM32 HAL API to program the microcontroller and set up STM32 MPU6050 communication. I use the Nucleo-L476RG board, but the article can also be adapted to other STM32 boards. I also expect that you have already created a project and know the basic principles of programming STM32 MCUs.

Please find the datasheet and the register map of MPU6050 on links: link and link.

First, we configure I2C using STM32CubeMX software. Among categories, press Connectivity, then I2Cx. We enable I2C by choosing I2C mode, as shown in the Figure below. Then we select I2S Standard speed in Parameter Settings.

Within GPIO settings, you will find I2C SDA and CLK pins. In my case, I have PB8 and PB9. Do not forget to wire these lines to corresponding MPU6050 pins. 

STM32 MPU6050 I2C pinout

Finally, we can save the file and generate code. At this point, I expect that you wired MPU6050 to the microcontroller appropriately. Basically, it is necessary to connect I2C SDA and CLK lines. Also, do not forget to power the sensor.

Before the actual communication, we can check whether we wired the sensor correctly using the HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady function. This function has four arguments:

1. hi2c: pointer to the structure that contains the configuration information for the specified I2C. Check the configuration function of I2C.

2. devAddress:16-bit unsigned Device Address. In our case, we need to specify the MPU6050 address.

3. trials: Number of trials

4. Timeout: timeout.

This function will try to communicate with a device with the specified address for the Timeout period, and if it succeeds, it will return HAL_OK status. Also, we refer to the datasheet of MPU6050 to identify the device's address. On page 15 of the datasheet, we can see that the default address of the sensor is 1101000. There is an additional pin on the sensor that allows changing the last bit of the address. But I expect that this pin is not set.

Finally, we have everything to write code. Also, when using the sensor's address, we add ’0’ at the end. I used a left-shift operator to do that. Regarding other parameters, the number of trials is one, and timeout equals 100 ms.

HAL_StatusTypeDef ret = HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady

(&hi2c1, (1101000) << 1 + 0, 1, 100);

if(ret == HAL_OK)

{printf(”The device is ready”); }


{printf(”The device is not ready. Check cables”); }

Pay attention that I used the printf function to check the outcome of the function. If you are willing to use printf, you can refer to another article where I explain how to set up SWV to implement the printf function. Otherwise, you can use LEDs or other means to check the result.

STM32: printf over SWV

If the function returns HAL_OK, we can continue in our endeavor and start actual communication with the IMU sensor. Before diving into coding, let me explain a general working principle of digital sensors. Usually, the sensor comprises multiple registers with specific addresses. A register is a piece of memory that contains some data. Some registers affect the sensor's working condition, so we can control how the sensor operates by writing to them. Other registers contain sensor measurements, so we can get actual measured data by reading them. And before reading the measurements, we need to write to specific registers to configure the sensor. One such register is Gyroscope Configuration register 27. The description of the register is on page 14 of the register map document.

On this register, we have FS_SEL bits (bits 3 and 4) to change the full-scale range of the gyroscope readings. For instance, if we set these bits to zero, the full-scale range will be 250°/second. So if we read the gyroscope readings next time and get a maximum possible value, we can be sure that 250° rotation happened.

Next, let me show you how to write to the register through the I2C protocol. For that purpose, we use the HAL_I2C_Mem_Write function. It has 7 arguments:

1. hi2c: pointer to the structure that contains the configuration information for the specified I2C. Check the configuration function of I2C.

2. devAddress:16-bit unsigned Device Address. In our case, the address of MPU6050

3. The address of the register to which we want to write. In our case, its value is 27.

4. The size of the register in bytes. In our case, this argument equals 1.

5. A pointer to the variable to be sent.

6. The size of the variable to be sent. In our case, its value is 1.

7. Timeout

We will set a 500 °/s full-scale range. To achieve this scale, we need to write 00001000 value to register 27 (FS_SEL bits are ’01’ and the rest bits are zero). We define a one-byte variable and assign this value. Using all these pieces of information, we write the following code:

Again we use the if statement to verify that we successfully updated register 27. Similarly, we can configure Accelerometer in Register 28. Of the main interest is again configuring the full-scale range of the accelerometer:

I set a 4g full-scale accelerometer range:

uint8_t temp_data = 0b000001000;

ret = HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, (1101000) << 1+0, 27, 1,&temp_data, 1, 100);

if(ret == HAL_OK)

{printf(”Configuring gyroscope”);}


{printf(”Failed to configure gyroscope ”);}


There is one more step before measuring the accelerometer and gyroscope readings. By default, the sensor is in sleep mode. To wake up, we reset the Sleep bit of Register 107 - Power Management 1.

mpu6050 register 107

There is another parameter we need to configure using this register - the clock source of the sensor. We will set the internal clock as the clock source using CLKSEL bits (we will put these bits to zero).

In other words, we reset all bits of the register:

temp_data = 0;

ret = HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, (1101000) << 1+0, 107, 1,&temp_data, 1, 100);

if(ret == HAL_OK)

{printf(”Exiting from sleep mode”);}


{printf(”Failed to exit from sleep mode ”);}

Reading accelerometer and gyroscope readings, STM32 MPU6050.

Starting from register 59, MPU6050 possesses Accelerometer, Temperature, and Gyroscope readings. We need to read 14 registers starting from register 59 to extract all measurements. Let's discuss accelerometer measurements to understand the data format (registers 59-64). As the figure shows, we have three axes, and every axis reading is 16-bit 2’s complement numbers. In other words, every measurement consists of two bytes. For instance, register 59 comprises the lower bit, whereas register 60 contains the upper byte of the x-axis accelerometer measurement. In the same way, we have the y-axis and then the z-axis. This implies that we need to encapsulate consecutive two bytes to obtain the correct value of measurements after reading those registers. This rule applies to other sensors’ readings.

I2C protocol supports serial read operation. Serial read allows readings of multiple consecutive registers in a single transaction. This is already implemented in STM32 HAL libraries using the HAL_I2C_Mem_Read function. This function has 7 arguments:

1. hi2c: pointer to the structure that contains the configuration information for the specified I2C. Check the configuration function of I2C.

2. devAddress:16-bit unsigned Device Address. In our case, the address of MPU6050 address.

3. The address of the onset register we want to read. In our case, its value is 59.

4. The size of the register in bytes. In our case, this argument equals 1.

5. A pointer to the buffer to store data.

6. The number of registers(bytes) to be read. In our case, its value is 14.

7. Timeout

Finally, we write this code to retrieve measurements from MPU6050:

int16_t x_acc;

uint8_t data[14];

HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, (1101000 << 1) + 1, 59, 1, data, 14, 100);

x_acc = ((int16_t)data[0] << 8) + data[1];

Although we read all sensors’ readings, I only showed how to encapsulate the first two bytes to extract the x-axis measurement. In the same way, we can get the y-axis(elements 2 and 3), z-axis(4 and 5), and other sensors’ readings.

Here is a video that provides more detailed information about STM32 MPU6050 communication:

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