STM32 printf function

STM32 printf function

2 minute read

STM32 Printf function using SWV

In C programming, we utilize a standard printf function to print some info on the console. This function requires including the stdint.h file to your project and nothing else. However, when it comes to the microcontrollers, we have to use additional tools to send the message to the computer and show it on the screen. Fortunately, in modern STM32 microcontrollers, a Serial Wire Output (SWO) pin allows printing messages in STM32CubeIde with minimum effort. I will show how to implement the STM32 printf function using SWV in STM32 microcontrollers.

1. Make sure that your board supports SWV. 

Check the user manual of your board. Make sure that it has an SWO line and that this line is connected to ST-LINK. There might be some bridge that requires soldering. For example, as shown in the figure below, PB3 is the SWO pin, and the SB12 solder bridge has to be soldered in STM32F4 discovery boards (by default, it is soldered).

SWO pin info in the user manual

2. Make sure that the SWO pin is configured correctly. By default, a pin dedicated to SWO is configured as SWO. However, to be 100% sure, check the pin configuration within the STM32CubeMX software.

SWO pin configuration

3. Implement the "_write" function

int _write(int le, char *ptr, int len)


int DataIdx;

for(DataIdx = 0; DataIdx < len; DataIdx++)




return len;


You can copy and insert all these lines within the main.c.

4. To test STM32 printf, let’s write this code within an infinite (while(1)) loop:

printf("Hello World \n");


5. Next step is to enable SWV. Within Debug configuration -> Debugger, enable SWV and set a proper Core Clock frequency.

stm32 printf SWV enable, Debug configurations

Again, you can get the core clock information from the IOC file under the Clock configuration.

Core clock frequency

6. Finally, we can debug the project. Then we need to open the SWV ITM data console under Window -> SWV.

stm32 printf SWV ITM data console

Next, press "configure"  and enable port 0, as shown in Figure.

6. Then Start "trace" by pressing a red circle. Then we can resume the code.

stm32 printf enable port

If you do all the steps correctly, you have to get a hello world message on the console every 1 sec:

printf function, final result

If you need more detailed guidance, please refer to this video:


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